
Hiking, News

The 20 Most Beautiful Hikes

But how puny and harmless they now looked beside this huge and terrific incarnation of hate, of vengeance and of death. The man himself, for such I may call him, was fully fifteen feet in height and, on Earth, would have weighed some four hundred pounds. He sat his mount as we sit a horse, …...

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Featured, Hiking

Lake Mountain: Some days elapsed, and ice and icebergs all astern

Like its master, it was entirely devoid of hair, but was of a dark slate color and exceeding smooth and glossy.

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Camping, Hiking

Hiking and camping in summer Alaska

Unordered List Ere this, you must have plainly seen the truth of what I started with—that the Sperm Whale and the Right Whale have almost entirely different heads To sum up, then: in the Right Whale’s there is no great well of sperm; no ivory teeth at all; no long, slender mandible of a lower …...

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Adventure, Featured, Hiking

There, among some young pine trees and furze bushes

And his mount! How can earthly words describe it! It towered ten feet at the shoulder; had four legs on either side; a broad flat tail, larger at the tip than at the root, and which it held straight out behind while running; a gaping mouth which split its head from its snout to its …...

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